Hello Everyone!
Happy most Spiritual Week of the year! Are you feeling the energies shifting into a higher vibration?
The planets are pushing us to let go of fear, embrace our truth, and allow our souls to lead the way into adapting to the World changes and our own personal desires. Mercury is going retrograde in 10 days, which means electronic issues, communication interruptions, and problems with things getting done right the first time. It's a great time to release and remove the things you no longer need in your life. If you don't need it, let it go!
We also have a Solar Eclipse happening in nine days. This will help us with the moving forward part of our lives, giving us positive energy to make changes and shower us in better energy to feel better about what we are creating for ourselves. The more positive you can be during these extreme energy changes the better off you will be. Breathe and be good to you as you sort through your options and move forward. You may be inspired to change your whole life, but it will go slow as the Universe will expect you to jump in and do the work to make the changes occur.
To help you navigate through the intense shifts of energies, I put mini digital Psychic, Pet Spirit, and Mediumship Readings on sale. These are digitally recorded readings, where I tap into your energy and tell you everything I feel, see, hear, know and smell, plus whatever your energies share with me. I then share everything with you in a recorded reading, no phone call, just me reading your energies or your loved one's energies if you book a mediumship reading. I send you an MP3 file through email that you can listen to whenever you want too.
Many people have asked for one hour Readings and I feel like my voice can handle that now, YAY!!! I have added one hour phone readings and an extra day to book phone readings. Phone appointments are now available on Monday and Wednesdays in the mornings.
I so appreciate everyone so much and value the connections I have with all of you who have trusted me with your energies as I read for you.
I am wishing you a beautiful Springtime filled with opportunities, abundance and love.
Brightest Blessings,