Happy Friday Friends! Are you feeling this intense energy on the planet?? Please keep your protection shields up, give yourself some "self-care" time, cleanse with sea salt baths, and breathe, breathe, breathe!
The planets are creating some extreme energies, which will force you to dive down into your Soul. You will be nudged to pay attention to what you are creating. Is it the feelings of giving up, creating drama or anger, ware energy, or are you maintaining your strength, focus, and positive mind-set, while protecting yourself from the "Dark Night of the Soul: energy?
The planets want to guide you into looking at what needs to be let go in your Spiritual awareness. It is all about staying balanced. Do not let the world issues knock you off of your amazing soul goals. It is super easy to go down into the scary world stuff but stay focused and deep in your Soul. Look at what you are feeling off balance about. Reach deep for your inner strength. Listen to that little voice saying, "Follow what your Soul needs to feel stronger and balanced." Take time today to reflect on what is taking your energy away and what needs to be released in your life for YOUR Highest Good!
To help with this process, I have put all readings on sale. I am offering 1/2-hour combo readings now too. For my International Clients, I have added the WhatsApp feature to my phone so I can call you wherever you are located in the World. YAY! I will always be the one calling YOU for a reading if you signed up for a phone Session. Mini Digital readings are not a phone session or an actual appointment, it is a reservation of my time for the week you booked, which gives me time to record the minis for everyone and get them sent to you through email in an MP3 file.
The energetic Veil between us and the Spirit Realm is very thin right now. It is my favorite time of the year when the energies are so close to us and bringing in the messages for the Living becomes so Magically beautiful! I have been experiencing incredible readings and communications with so many of you! Thank you for allowing me to be part of your interactions with your Guides, Angels, and the Other Side in these Reading Sessions.
Thank you to everyone who sent me their stories through text, phone messages, and emails. WOW! I am having an amazing time writing and sharing what happens in readings. I love telling your stories and my own about what messages have come through for so many people who were stuck in grief, mystery, hurt, confusion, and unfinished business with loved ones and pets, or psychic experience that shifted your awareness or life. If you have a story to share with me about an interaction in a reading with me, please send it to me to include in this new book. The premise of this new project is to share what readings are like, what to expect, how loved ones communicate, and how we interact always with those we have lost.
Shields up my friends! Stay true to your Souls urgings as we are being pummeled energetically by the planets for the next three weeks especially! I am sending you love, hugs, Light, and so much good energy on this day!
Brightest Blessings,